Monday, March 02, 2009

It's been a long long while...
Well we haven't had a camera since before Christmas...this would be the reason we have had no posts. But Mom got one and has let us borrow it, so for old times sake, we will do another post!


Anonymous said...

Yes, Virginia, there is an Elliott Allstars blog! ;)
Love all the pictures. Olivia looks so cute out there in all the snow!
How do you like the camera? Is your mom getting the hang of it?
Hope this isn't the only update we'll see...

Elliott Allstars said...

hehehe! I loooove her camera! She definitely has the hang of it. Hopefully I'll get a camera soon so I don't have to keep swiping my mom's, but she's quite generous with it so we can for now!

the editor said...

She has an ulterior motive for being so generous- pictures of her adorable granddaughter. Nah, she's just one of those generous types.

Cute pics, cute kid. Nice update.
Now I gotta do mine.