Monday, July 23, 2007

Woo-Hoo She's here!!!!
We welcomed Olivia-Lynn Ida Elliott (I know everyone already knows...hehehe...I just love saying it the name.) We are sooo happy, she was worth every second of waiting. I know there are tons of pictures floating around...we thank Aunt Carolyn and Aunt Connie! But here are a few of our own!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Waiting Game...
We know no one is expecting us to blog right now...probably for the same reason no one wants to call or wants me to call them, unless we've got some exciting news. Unfortunately, unless you consider that my right hand keeps going numb...then tingly, or that my floors have never been cleaner, or that if you freeze Arizona Iced Tea in ice trays it makes your water nice and tasty, the truth is...there is not much exciting news. So we're having some special times together as a family...waiting...
Moses has found a new spot to hang...
Even the dogs are waiting anxiously for our new addition. Although they have no clue the suprise they're in for. But I mean we have a clue what we're in for??? HAHAHAHHAHA! Moses finds comfort with his bobo. Ryan built this nifty swing for all the stuffed animals...even Eeyore is patiently waiting...
And on a side note, I realized today why I love Hydrangeous (I know spelling is out the window) so much...look how beautiful...and guess what I did to get them this beautiful...NOTHING!!!! And one has the nerve to believe there is no God? He's just the coolest. Anywho...maybe the next post will be...WOO HOO she's here! We will see!