Sunday, June 17, 2007

Okay so I'm a big slacker...and it's probaby too late to answer, but I love Emma and don't want you to think I was blowing it off! And hopefully I'll get the word answer better than the one word...
1) 3 Jobs I have had in my life:
Medical Biller
2) 3 Places that I have lived:
Westhampton, East Quogue, Orlando
3) 3 Tv shows I like to watch:
Dr. Phil
Baby Story
4) 3 Places I have vacationed:
5) 3 Of my favorite foods:
PB & J
6) 3 Places I would rather be right now:
Labor and Delivery
7) 3 People I think will answer:
done it


Anonymous said...

I got a kick out of your "3 places I'd like to be" answers! ;) Patience, my dear, patience.

I've never seen Entourage, but I've heard from a few people that it's really good. Guess I'll have to give it a look!

Elliott Allstars said...

I know, I know, but I was feeling sick at that point and thought...not that I'd actually "like" to be there, I wish it was an easier way...more like, I'd like to be holding a cute little (nameless) baby girl. Entourage is good, it's mostly because it's on HBO on Demand and we can watch it anytime.

Anonymous said...

Don't you worry. You are going to do the "L&D" thing just fine and when all is said and done you will be holding a very cute, precious no-longer-nameless little girl!

the editor said...

boy, i'm not too smart. i've been checking the blog and thinking that this post was the one word post so i didn't even look at it- duh!

anywho, good chuckle that L&D thing. you're gonna do great T, and like A.C. says when it's all over(and just beginning) you'll have one cute little "ice cream" to love on!

Em and Jonah said...

Tia, I love you. You're so funny. When I was approaching labour, I reminded myself that women have done it before(some have managed it 5 times)and I'd do it all again to have my boy. Ok labours not so great-the drugs are really good and being a mummy is so much more than amazing!

Elliott Allstars said...

Thanks Em! I looove your advice!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about it and here is what I thought about labor when I did it. It hurts, no doubt. But, for me it was a lot different than being sick with a horrible stomach bug, or the pain of an injury, or even cramps. This was battle and I was bringing my baby into the world! I felt strong, tough, "I-am-WOMAN-hear-me-roar"! No one else could get this baby born but me and, stand back, that's exactly what I was going to do!
After all is said and done, women are very special and blessed to be able to do this for their babies. What a joy! You will not believe how much joy.


Elliott Allstars said...

Awwww...thanks Aunt Connie! I definitely never thought of it that way. I'm going is very cool. You're the best!