Our new addition...
Meet our newest family member... Moses! We thought we'd add one more before the baby arrives, now we're even, we'll have three humans and three canines! It took a little while, but Max and Molly are beginning to like there new little brother. (It's taking Molly a little longer to even acknowledge him, but she's coming around).
A very cute puppy. And really. What else do you have to do with your time? ;)
I know right? I just sit around all day anyway! Hehehehehe!
3 dogs and a newborn. sound like a good title to a comedy movie.
looks like Molly is telling everyone exactly what she thinks of her "brothers"!
That would be a good movie...maybe that will be Ryan and my first attempt at a movie, before we bring in our screen writer! Hahahaha...I agree Carolyn, she is telling them just what she thinks, and she did that for the camera...clever girl that Molly!
it might make a better suspense film...picture it, all three dogs need to go out, Molly might just wet the carpet, and Moses and Max are barking at nothing. The baby is hungry and crying desperately, you are home alone, what do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?!
(A woman screams in the background...is it Tia or the neighbors?)
Coming July 07!
The neighbor
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