Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Our newest picture! Sorry I don't have pictures of Christmas, but we're trying to put up a video! Hope everyone's Christmas was awesome! (notice, it's says "Elliot" we're getting closer, next time maybe we'll get "Elliott" and we'll be all the way)


Anonymous said...

Another picture! The little peanut is so cute. What do you think, everyone? Does that look like a girl or a boy....?

Anonymous said...

I think that it finally looks like a baby! I'm thinking girl

the editor said...

that's my feeling too.

Anonymous said...

I think it looks like a boy.

Em and Jonah said...

I love scans, it's just exciting to get a glimpse at your baby. How many scans do you normally get in the States? We usually only have two: at 12 week & 20 weeks.

Anonymous said...

we usually only get two as well. i have no idea why Tia is getting so many. I guess she is just very lucky.

Elliott Allstars said...

They told me they do three during the first month and a half, I guess they can do screening now with internal sonagrams for some things, they gave me so many pamphlets I'm not sure all the things they test for. But supposedly I'm not so special they're doing this for everyone now. Ah well...I enjoy the picture!

Anonymous said...

Aww Tia...your wee one is truly looking cuter and cuter! Soooo did you decide if you are finding out the gender or not???