Monday, November 27, 2006

We have a surprise.........


Connie said...

Thank goodness! Now we can talk about it!!!
Congratulations -- we are soooo excited!


the editor said...

can't wait to see the little bugger!

Elliott Allstars said...

me neither! I saw the little heart beat....

Anonymous said...




thedollymama said...

Way to go, kid!

Anonymous said...


Em and Jonah said...

CONGRATULATIONS, that's so exciting.I've been asking Liss and she said nothing, I thought you'd want kids soon and I think you'll make a great mom.

Dad E. said...

Hi Guy's,

I never know exactly what I'm looking at in those pictures but I know it is beautiful!! We are soooo excited!!

Dad E.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That Terry family keeps getting bigger each year!!!! Congratulations to the new mom and dad to be! It's wonderful news.

WHB Terry said...

Great Job. It looks like a peanut lizzard, you must be so proud. But really we are so psyched for you guys. Remember, no matter what it is, it is a Terry!

Anonymous said...

congratulations Ryan and Tia. I guess we can tell them all now guys, THIS PARENTING THING IS SOOO TOUGH, ha ha ha, we suckered you in and now you have to endure all the crying, colds, diaper changes, shots, spit up, diaper leaks, boo boos etc. You guys are such suckers!!

Just joking, of course, Heath and I couldn't be happier. Another friend for Caleb is always a plus!

Elliott Allstars said...

Thanks everyone!

AuntJenn said...

I can't wait to meet him/her. He already looks like a cutie pie, remember no matter what it is, it is an Elliott! I'm so happy for you guys, I love you so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey there, that's awesome news!!! Katie and Shell need to get busy!!!

Elliott Allstars said...

As far as the shots, crying, leaking, pooping, peeing (all over the house), I've had my share with my dear Max and Molly, I'm just hoping I have more patience with baby peanut...being half me and all! Hahahah!

the editor said...

ah yes, and that's just the baby stuff. as the saying goes, as the kid gets bigger, the problems get bigger. from what i understand the real pay off comes later. they are a joy! i know you'll do great! :)

Elliott Allstars said...

awwww....thanks Carolyn!

Anonymous said...

Don't you think the baby will feel funny being the only cousin whose last name is Elliott. Maybe all of you could become Terrys!

Anonymous said...

It won't be the only cousin who doesn't have the last name of Terry. Let's not forget some by the names of Leah, Jack and Will!

Elliott Allstars said...

Thanks Aunt Connie! And we have Santos's on our side...I think some one has a Terry-Complex on here...

Anonymous said...

We certanly have the terry name covered(and more on the way no dout)i say bring on the Elliotts!

Anonymous said...

No matter what we call each other we're family all the same! That's the very best part!

Anonymous said...

I just realized the due date is set about 2 weeks from your first anniversary..what a great gift!

Elliott Allstars said...

It's true Leah! I'm hoping for 7/7/07, because that's a cool date!

the editor said...

that'll always be easy to remember too!

Anonymous said...

My aunt was born on 07/07/43. If you notice 43 adds up to 7. then little elliott will have the same b-day as dear a. philly!!