Wednesday, September 06, 2006

And our newest addition.....

Whiddle cutie pie feet!

Happy Baby Seth!!!!!!!


the editor said...

WHOO HOO! Great job, Tia! It's pretty easy, right?

The National Scribe said...

i love the picture of seth smiling

thedollymama said...

Good job, T! I was thinking you should do this. Hopefully you will take after your SIL Carolyn with your blogging updates, rather than your brother Andrew or your cousin Sean!

Connie said...

What the mancuso family said!

Elliott Allstars said...

This is a lot easier than it I'm just waiting for something to happen so I can post! Hahahaha!

the editor said...

Now everytime something's going on you'll be thinking "I can blog about this! Where's my camera?"

Elliott Allstars said...

You're right! I do!!!