Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy 30th Birthday Ryan!!!!
We had a great suprise Birthday on Saturday (I wish I had my camera!!!) where we had the chance to celebrate. And he was VERY suprised! Thank you to everyone who came it was awesome. I'm soooo thankful to Mom E. (Ryan's Mom) for that day 30 years ago where she had the man of my dreams! Thank you! Happy Birthday My Prince! response to Kywol's Generation's Challenge!
(Thank you Jenn Terry for helping me find this!)

Monday, February 12, 2007

Long time no blog! Well we've been out of the blogging world for quite awhile and thought it was time to reconnect! To begin, and I know we're late, we'll take on the challenges!
First to Caleb Nation: Here is a picture of me with my dad and Ryan with his dad.

Next to Planet Mancuso...some red hopefully to your liking!